Gee and Brendan got married on a lovely Canberra summer afternoon at the auspicious location of the Hindu Temple - Vishnu Shiva Mandir in Mawson. The ceremony was witnessed by members of family from both sides and close friends. The couple wore traditional Hindu outfits and looks absolutely stunning in them. Ceremony was conducted by a couple of Hindu priests and the marriage was officiated by a Celebrant. Below are some of the high-lights from the day:
At IWP, we take immense pride in capturing the essence of traditional Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and Sri Lankan ceremonial functions, including engagements, weddings, and mehndi celebrations. Whether it's a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Parsi, or Buddhist wedding, our dedication to detail ensures that every moment is beautifully preserved. Our commitment to excellence and cultural sensitivity allows us to create timeless memories that honor your traditions and celebration